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2/6/12 Farewells and NARNIA!

Im sorry to announce this, but my blog will be put on indefinate hiatus. In my boredom I found a wardrobe in my basement and upon opening it I discovered a portal to narnia

Take that, science

I am typing this on Mr. Tumnus’ iPad and wondering around his cottege. Since wi-fi in Narnia is expensive, I can no longer update my blog until i return. Unfortunately, this is stinking Narnia so I’m staying. So farewell devoted readers. Anyways, got to go. Keep digging the science everyone!

2/5/12 Don’t go chasing butterflies…

Repition is a sign of stupidity, so I shall say it again. I am a very bored person. Have you ever heard of the phrase “A housewife never see’s a pot boiling” so I had to do two things in my boredom:
1. Find out what boiling is.
2. Try the myth out.

So I looked up boiling and I found out it’s what water does. It’s called a phase change. It is when a phase: liquid or solid or gas(more on that later) is changed into another phase. Phase changes include melting, boiling, freezing, and a slew of others. I also discovered that they all substances go through phase changes at certain temperatures. As a devout follower of my blog and personal cult, you know temperature is a measurement of heat energy, which is warmth produced by particles bouncing around. All substances do this at different temperatures, like water boiling and condensing(This is a process where the aforementioned gas turns into a liquid. more on it later) at 98°C and freezing and melting at 0°C. Boiling is when water heats to a certain temperature(for water: 98°C) when so much heat energy is added to the substance that the bonds that keep water particles relatively close and solid particles tight are broken and they start bouncing around and hitting each other with such ferocity

Grrrr angry particles!

that they spread far apart and become a gas. A gas is a substance with particles  that move very rapidly and can take up any amount of space: having indefinite volume and shape. Water has definite volume but indefinite shape, which is how it can take the shape of its container, but only fill it to a degree. Solids have a definite shape and definite volume so they will stay the way they are so say a glass with a puppy in it wont have the puppy become a glass shaped atrocity.

Not liquid. Adorable, but not liquid

I also found out about condensation. It’s when a gas loses its heat energy and becomes a liquid again. When gas is hot, it wants to rise. It does this because the particles are spread so thinly they become lighter then regular air and float. When they get too high, the air gets colder and therfore, the heat energy
of a substance is lost and it comes falling back down to earth. This is seen in rain when water that has evaporated(same as boiling) from the earth condenses and comes back down as rain. This is known as the water cycle.

Promising monontony for water since 4,000,000,000BC

Anyway, I tried this by putting water in a pot on the stove top, turning the heat on and watching intently. But within 10 minutes I got bored and decided to take a break from watching it to go outside and shout at butterflies.


When I came back I found the pot boiling, most of my water gone, and a restraining order from the butterflies. I immeditaly took a temperature reading from the pot and found the water to be at 98°C, the exact point water boils at. This confused me. Its the exact point water boils at, but the water is half gone, shouldnt the temperature have gone up? So I did some investigation and found out when a liquid boils, it’s temperature stays the same until it’s done boiling. Same with all other phase changes, as this graph shows.

Yeah this one

The heat pleateau’s when a substance is going through a phase change. It also shows how heat energy will change a substance in that it changes phases. So in the end, I found out that I can’t prove old wives tales wrong, a slew of new information, and butterflies take restraining orders very seriously.

Im not permited to be within 300 meters of any medow in spring.

2/5/12 Bad Ideas…

I am a baron of bad ideas. But this time I had a worse idea and a worse outcome then the time I built a bacon houseStupidity was never so delicious! Stupidity was never so delicious!

But this time I really feel I outdid myself! I was particularily bored so I gathered up quite a bit of snow from the recent storm and built myself an igloo. A full sized igloo. In my basement! I am truly proud of myself. An igloo is an Inuit structure made from bricks of ice, which is made from condensed particles, as we learned in my previous post. Arbitrary alliteration aside, I left it for a few hours to prance in the snow in my bathing suit


I returned only to find my igloo reduced to a mere puddle of water! (and a very angry father.) I decided it was my job, nigh, my DUTY to find why this happened. I went to the internet when I found out who threw the wrench in my plans. That dasterdly mother nature!

It turns out that, to prevent your magnum opus of pointlessness that is a basement igloo from becoming a particularily cold puddle, you must keep the temperature around it above 0° Celsius(A unit of temperature) And this is when I had a very film-esque flashback to my previous study-session when I discovered water freezes into ice at that very same temperature. This caused me to have a epiphany. That the tempurature for this is the same both ways: turning from a liquid to a solid, called freezing, and turning from a solid to a liquid, called melting. These are called freezing points and melting points. I did more reasearch and found out this is because if something that is solid reaches this point, it experiences too much heat energy and the particles start bouncing off each other and it melts. but if a liquid reaches this temperature, the heat energy is lost and the particles stop bouncing around and pull together, making them a solid.

The Chart shows that the freezing point and melting point are the same tempurature.

I was glad to find the source of the melting, but not glad about the giant puddle that I had to clean! GEE THANKS MOTHER NATURE!

2/4/12 Ice Enigma

       As you can tell, I am a bored person. So today I decided it would be a most genius idea to put my cup of water in the freezer. I forgot about it until an hour or so ago and I took it out. To my surprise, the water was now ice and got bigger! This of course made me a question why is the bottle no longer full of liquid and solid instead?

      I checked online and some realiable sources for the answer to my deliema and found some fascinating information. It turns out the freezer makes everything colder and loses something called heat energy. Heat energy is made when these things called particles, which are the tiny little things that make up everything in the universe, bump together. Heat energy is basically warm, so the freezer makes the water lose warmth. Because the heat energy comes from the the particals in things bumping around, and water has the particals loose and bumping around so thats why we can’t hold it: the particles arent close enough!

The particles in a liquid, spread apart and moving and bumping!

When the heat energy was lost, the particles stopped bumping around and stayed close together. This makes the water harder because the particles that make it up are pushed close together.  This makes ice, which we can hold because the particles are close together!

Solid particles: Close and snug!

           This turns the water, which has the loose, but not too loose particles, (also called a liquid) into ice which has its particles close together, making it a solid. But this has to happen at a temperature. Temperature is an amount of heat energy something has. So when the temperature of water goes under 0°C, which is very cold (colder than outside in winter!) the heat energy leaves the water, making the particals move together and become ice. It truly fascinated me.  I felt like barfing rainbows!

2/2/12-First Post!

Hello everyone! I decided out of sheer unadulterated boredom I shall start a blog! I shall write about whatever I want, whenever I want because I’m boss and you can’t tell me what to do! 😀 And since I have no picture to post here, here is a lion riding a horse, good day.

So beautifull…so magiestic….so free